The Beauty of Nature with AVEENO®

Please note that this is in collaboration with AVEENO® and Latina Bloggers Connect, this post was created and written by me for with my personal views.

When I was growing up in the *cough* 80’s, there was no internet, no YouTube tutorials or other electronic methods to consult with when I had beauty questions other than my most loved resource of all- my beautiful mom (who learned her beauty tips from her mom). 

 Judging by the many lotions she had lined
up in her bathroom shelves (which as a kid I remember dusting them off every
Sunday as she played Rocio Durcal in the kitchen) I knew my mom was very into
beauty. Fancy cosmetics were hard to come by in our household those days
because we didn’t have much money, which made us use natural products in our
beauty regimen. I remember mimicking my busy working mom’s cold cucumber over
the eyes trick (cucumbers contain antioxidants that may reduce irritation and
the cold factor may reduce swelling)- only (funny story) I once mistakenly did
it with green squash because I thought it was cucumber! My mom still brings up
that story and laughs.

I also remember as my sister, brother and
I went through chickenpox or rashes stage my mom would immediately give us
oatmeal baths which is still used to this day. It makes me realize how powerful
the oat is, because not only would we use it for our exterior but my mom would
serve us a hot plate of it for breakfast! 

Here we are many years later, with
natural ingredients diluted by the chemicals in so many of our products but it
is comforting to see that Aveeno has embraced “The Beauty of
Nature”. Here is an inspiring video narrative by Jennifer Aniston (Aveeno’s Brand Ambassador), that celebrates the abundance of ingredients that are found in nature and that enhance our natural beauty.

Any natural ingredients you use in our beauty regimen? Feel free to share them with me in the comments section!

☮ & ,


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1 Comment

  1. Shannon Boyce
    April 7, 2014 / 12:42 am

    I love their products. So great for the skin!